Petros Katsafados (PK), male, is Associate Professor at the Department of Geography at Harokopio University of Athens, Greece since 2007 and head of the Atmosphere and Climate Dynamics Group-ACDG (http://meteoclima.gr). He originally studied Mathematics but then he switched scientific field to Atmospheric Physics and Dynamics and he finally completed his Master degree from the School of Physics at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) on 1996. In his PhD thesis factors that influence the predictability of numerical weather prediction.
PK is author or co-author of more than 30 articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals and more than 75 peer-reviewed conferences papers. His work has received over 900 citations (h-index = 13, co-authors 87, source Scopus). He is also author in two text books and he has contribution to several book chapters and special editions. He was the main dissertation advisor in 1 PhD student (George Varlas) graduated at 2017. He has been a supervisor in 9 PhD and as member of the supervising committee of 12 PhD students. PK is currently supervising 6 PhD students and he has been supervised more than 20 MSc students.
His research interests and experience include: atmospheric dynamics, regional and mesoscale modelling, air pollution (natural or anthropogenic origin), marine meteorology, and data assimilation. PK has participated (as coordinator, principal investigator or researcher) in more than 25 of EU and national funded projects mainly related with atmospheric and climate modeling and air pollution simulations.