Dr. Marios Anagnostou holds a M.Eng. (2000) degree from the Electronic Engineering Department of the University of York, UK, and a Ph.D. (2007) from the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department of the University of Connecticut, USA. During the time period 2007-2009 he was a post-doctoral research assistant in the Center for Environmental Sciences and Engineering (CESE) and the Environmental Engineering (ENVE) Program of the University of Connecticut. He is a Research Associate of the National Technical University of Athens and with the Institute of Environmental Research and Sustainable Development of National Observatory of Athens. He is currently working as a Lecture personnel under contract for the Ionian University, School of Environment, department of Environmental Studies. His scientific interests and accomplishments lie in the research areas of polarimetric weather radar observation of rain events applied on flood modeling and the the use of underwater acoustic systems for measuring spatially averaged environmental parameters (i.e. wind speed, rainfall rate and height, etc.) at sea surface.