Aristides Bartzokas Professor in Meteorology-Climatology Department of Physics, University of Ioannina, 45110 Ioannina, Greece.abartzok@uoi.gr, 26510-08477
Research Interests: Synoptic Meteorology-Climatology, climate change, weather forecast, extreme weatherevents, physics of the atmosphere. Participation in approximately 20 research programs related with weather and/or climate. Member of organizing and scientific committees of 15 international conferences. Guest editor of 4 special issues of international scientific journals.
Teaching experience: Long teaching experience at undergraduate and postgraduate level in the Department of Physics and in other Departments of the University of Ioannina: General Meteorology, Dynamic Meteorology, Atmospheric Physics, Fluid Mechanics, Applied Climatology, etc. Supervision of 15 undergraduate, 15 post-graduate dissertations and 5 doctoral theses. Co-author of two university textbooks.
Publications: 89 publications in international peer-reviewed journals, 85 publications in proceedings of international conferences, 25 other publications. All publications can be found in http://www.physics.uoi.gr/seci/aris1.html. Approximately 1200 citations. Reviewer in 40 international scientific journals.