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Dr. Ioannis Kalogirosis a senior researcher in the Institute of IERSD/NOA. He received his B.Sc. degree, M.Sc. in Environmental Physics-Meteorology, and Ph.D. on acoustic sounder measurements from the Physics Department of the University of Athens, Greece. He has been a teaching assistant in the Laboratory of Aerodynamics, Hellenic Air Force Academy, Athens, Greece, and a teaching and research assistant in the Laboratory of Meteorology, Department of Physics, University of Athens, Greece. He has, also, been a research assistant in the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, USA. He has been the PI or participated in about 35 national and international research projects and the author or co-author of 50 papers in international scientific peer-reviewed journals and more than 100 conference presentations in international and national scientific conferences. His research interests and accomplishments lie in the areas of the clear and cloudy atmospheric boundary layer, acoustic sounder (sodar), aircraft, ground based, ship and buoy measurements and Doppler polarimetric weather radar with emphasis on the analyses of measurements and development of algorithms.